Friday, March 1, 2013


-Have you ever made your own hot chocolate? I don't mean opening a packet of Swiss Miss and pouring it in a mug of hot water. I mean melting chocolate and heating up milk on the stove. If you haven't, I highly recommend it. I put in a spoonful of nutella and a spoonful of peanut butter to give it a nutty kick and it was probably the best thing in I have ever drunk. Seriously, it was delicious. Seriously delicious.

-I killed it on this assignment I had for class today. I know I'm a grown-ass woman but I still get such a thrill out of doing a really good job on my school work. Some days I am more inspired than others. Today was one of those days.

-As a fan of the English language, this made me laugh pretty hard. This, too.

-Friends! Made some popcorn and drank some wine at Jun's house last night and it was great. (Popcorn in France is sweet, which is an abomination, so we made our own, America-style.) This weekend, I have been invited over for dinner at Shuo and Tao's house, which I am super excited about! I have phone numbers. In my phone. For people. In France.

Random Chinese show thing that I went to with the Chinese kids last weekend. I know about six phrases in Chinese but my friends are so sweet and translated for me. Into French. That's how we do.

-Snow! It was fat, wet snow and it didn't stick, but it was still really pretty. I literally gasped when I woke up and saw it falling. I love that.

-I am definitely one of those people that likes to have a trapper keeper full of appointments. My iCal used to be jam-packed with a million events everyday and I was feeling a little sad about not having anything on my schedule anymore. My brilliant ginger friend Sarah suggested that I note all the stuff I have to do, even if I don't need to write it down to remember. Of course I already know when I have to watch Ema and Alexis because it's the same every week, but there was something strangely satisfying about putting it in the books. That girl might not have a soul, but she's pretty smart and knows just what I need in my Type-A life.

-I'm starting to wonder if something about my presence gives small children an uncontrollable urge to take a dump. Alexis and I got locked in the back yard (8-foot fences that only lead to other fenced in back yards, no possible exit, mom wasn't coming home for another hour and a half) and all of a sudden he has to poop. I didn't have any tissues or anything in my pocket so we had to scrounge up some leaves, which was no easy feat in the dead of winter, and it still wasn't quite sufficient. I knew that dog poop was an issue here but human poop? Come on now.

-I'm gonna need people between Mériadeck and Ste Catherine to stop doing whatever it is that they're doing because it really messes up my travel plans when Tram A is blocked at Centre Ville. It seems like every other second there is a manif or an incident or a random children's parade that has the tram line all jacked up and it's really annoying.

You're awfully cute but please get out of the road.

-Did I accidentally set my email signature/voicemail message to say "Don't worry about getting back to me. I can read your thoughts and know just what you're going to say"? Because that's what it has felt like lately. I have questions, I am going through the appropriate channels to ask them, and no one seems to be interested in answering me. I want to move into your apartment. Don't you think you'd want to get in touch with me so I can give you my money? I want to stay in your country and pay taxes. Don't you think you'd streamline the process for that? I want to get my documents in order so I am legally allowed to be here. Don't you think that's a bit time-sensitive and warrants a response like... now? I am a good, compliant American. Tell me what to do and I'll do it but I'm not psychic!

-Got that icky feeling in my throat again. I just got over my cold so I'm supposed to be done being sick for the year! I think it's a combination of irregular sleep patterns and not eating enough fruits and veggies. I haven't gone grocery shopping in two weeks because I was trying to use up all my food before moving, but it looks like I'm going to be here a little longer and I'll need something to eat. I am down to rice, pasta, and butter. Plain spaghetti is not a meal, Nicole. This is not college.

-I must be getting old. Last week, I tossed the Frisbee around with some friends and went to a pole dance class and I was sore for four days. I know it's just because I haven't done any serious physical activity in a while but dang. A little jogging around and some basic spins shouldn't put me out of commission for  half the week.

2:00am already? How does this always happen to me??? Tuck me in, homie. Buenas noches.

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