Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Suck It Up

Recently said in conversation by a straight man: "This gay guy was hitting on me the other day. He was like looking me up and down and saying stuff like, 'Hey baby. You wanna come home with me?' I was so creeped out!" Everyone agreed that this was totally inappropriate and sympathized. "Poor thing! That must have been so awful for you!"

It's kind of petty but it really irked me. Why? Because this happens to me nearly EVERY DAY. Everyone's sitting around feeling bad that this dude had to put up with an awkward sexual advance for three seconds while I can't walk down the street without someone making a comment, a gesture, or a look that lasted just a bit too long for my comfort. I can't count the number of times where I have been made to feel uncomfortable by some man who just assumed it was okay to tell me "what my ass was doing to him." You keep your body parts and functions to yourself, sir. Don't come over here and put your arm around my shoulder or try to slip a hand around my waist. I don't know you and I didn't ask you to touch me. Don't stare at me from across the bar, through slitted eyes, licking your lips like some fiend. It's gross. You're gross, and I want you to go away.

I don't think men realize how easy they've got it on this one. So maybe once in a blue moon you get hit on by someone you aren't interested in. Big frickin deal, dudes. Someone putting the moves on you at the bar? You tell them to fuck off and 99% of the time that's where it ends. Women are not so lucky. I tell a guy to get out of my face and he thinks I'm playing hard to get. He proceeds to stalk me and continue to make advances for the rest of the night or until I get fed up and decide to leave. Now I'm outside at night and, since I don't live in a sorority house, I might end up walking some of my route home by myself. Yeah, sometimes men get mugged when walking home alone, which is certainly scary, but how often do you legitimately fear that you might get raped on the way to your house? Oh, you never thought about it? Y'all have a zombie apocalypse plan. We have a rape escape plan. Why do we need a rape escape plan? Because since the moment we could walk without mommy or daddy holding our hands, we were taught to never walk anywhere alone ever, and if you do, here's your rape!

Maybe I'm taking it too far. Obviously, not every pick up line results in someone getting sexually assaulted. Hell, not every sexual advance is unwelcome. I'm just saying that there is an astronomically greater number of women on the receiving end of unwanted sexual comments and behavior. On the job, at the bar, in the street... And let's not even get into all the reasons that somehow it was my fault. Well, were you being too nice? Were you wearing something revealing? Were you walking by yourself? So I have to be a sweater-clad bitch that always travels with a body guard to avoid sexual harassment? I swear there's an easier solution to this problem but my silly female brain just can't figure it out!

Come on, guys. I know that most of you are better than that. Now if you could just get your less evolved brethren on board, I think we might be okay.

I'm sorry that you, sir, were temporarily put off by this other person's actions. Maybe now you have just the slightest idea of what it's like to be a woman.

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