Sunday, November 18, 2012

Assorted Thoughts from the Weekend

1) I really love going out on the weekend and having some (many) (maybe too many?) drinks with friends, but it has been so nice to just sit in the house and do other stuff for the last two evenings. I have been reading, cooking, doing research on housing and potential options once my classes are over... I don't want to do it forever but I am really enjoying it for the time being.

2) I am feeling incredibly fortunate to have friends and family back home to hang with via the magic that is video chatting, especially since I'm a bit lacking in the friend department here. Google Hangout is probably the best invention ever. A quartet of women in completely different parts of the world can all get together on a Sunday morning and have coffee together as if they're all in the same city. I saw five friends, my parents, my niece and my fiancé at some point during this very average weekend when typically, that group would only be in the same place for some very special occasion. Priceless.

3) Have you ever cooked with leeks? I looked up easy stove top recipes (because Lord knows I am not the culinary genius in our household) and potato leek soup came up. I had to google what a leek looked like so I could buy one at the store and a leek as tall as my torso cost me 27 cents at Auchan. Insanity! Equally insane is how tasty this soup is. If you have other good stove top recipes, let me know!

4) I went to the laundromat for the first time in my life. I am not a fan. I spent almost $15 getting my clothing washed. That's ludicrous!

5) It took me several tries to spell the word "ludicrous" because I kept wanting to spell it "Ludacris." I really like that guy. I find his raps to be clever and hilarious.

6) I saw a dude doing the Lexington Market on the train the other day and my fellow passengers looked absolutely appalled. I wanted to say, "Yeah, heroine will do that to you but don't worry. Junkies wobble but they don't fall down."

That is all.

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