Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Christmas is Coming

I remember being pretty impressed with the Christmas decorations in Bordeaux last year but this year, they made me squeal. Literally. When I saw all the lights at Sainte Catherine for the first time, I let out an audible giddy squeak and I wasn't even embarrassed. The last weekend in November, the city started prepping for Christmas and everyday there were more lights, more garlands, more trees, more glitter. It was impossible not to get excited about the holidays. What's more, there's no Thanksgiving here so no one got trampled during a Black Friday stampede to kick off a month of guilt-induced consumerism, which made it so much easier to enjoy the holidays for what they are!

Despite my usual ambivalence toward Christmas, I couldn't help but get caught up in the festivities this year. We have been listening to the Christmas Pandora station every night and I was the one who decided we needed a Christmas tree for the house. This girl! Buying Christmas trees! France has changed me.

Jason booked us a trip to Strasbourg, which is the Christmas capital of the universe, and we were not disappointed. Every building on every street corner was decked out from top to bottom in tinsel and ornaments and lights, giant stuffed teddy bears and shiny gift boxes. Their Christmas markets put Bordeaux's to shame. Also, their cathedral is RIDICULOUS. Also also, hot mulled wine everywhere.

Please note the travel mugs filled with wine

Jason ate nothing but choucroute for three days so the only downside of the trip was extreme flatulence, but we had a wonderful time nonetheless.

Back in Bordeaux, it was time for the giant wine tasting festival at Place de la Bourse. It's the same one I was at last year, this time with even more wines! It's amazing how different it was this year, now that I know some stuff about wine. We picked out the regions and châteaux that we were familiar with and skipped ones that we knew were not our favorites. I have preferences for certain vintages of certain châteux of certain regions of Bordeaux. Who am I?? I'm Nicole and I am drunk and happy.

Oh snap! Is it already time to go back to the US? Yes, yes it is. See you soon, America!